Use Case

Ship long-tail SEO pages

Create programmatic and editorial SEO pages at scale

Organic traffic is critical to your marketing mix. Balance out your paid ads with high-quality content that drives traffic and conversions.

70%-80% of searchers on Google skip the "Sponsored" links. Not only that, but the the #1 result in Google’s organic search results has an average CTR of 27.6%. For long-tail results, URLs that contain terms similar to a keyword have a 45% higher click-through rate compared to URLs that don’t contain a keyword. ● Backlinko
Long-Tail SEO

Generate helpful content centered around your desired keywords and help your customers understand why they need you.

Programmatic SEO

Power new SEO pages from information in your database or spreadsheets.

Use persona data in your prompts

Cover a wide array of topics related to your keyword

Why it matters

70%-80% of searchers on Google skip the "Sponsored" links. Not only that, but the the #1 result in Google’s organic search results has an average CTR of 27.6%. For long-tail results, URLs that contain terms similar to a keyword have a 45% higher click-through rate compared to URLs that don’t contain a keyword. ● Backlinko

Long-Tail SEO

Generate helpful content centered around your desired keywords and help your customers understand why they need you.

Use persona data in your prompts

Cover a wide array of topics related to your keyword

70%-80% of searchers on Google skip the "Sponsored" links. Not only that, but the the #1 result in Google’s organic search results has an average CTR of 27.6%. For long-tail results, URLs that contain terms similar to a keyword have a 45% higher click-through rate compared to URLs that don’t contain a keyword. ● Backlinko
Long-Tail SEO

Generate helpful content centered around your desired keywords and help your customers understand why they need you.

Verticalize, localize, and personalize SEO content in bulk.

Demo SEO

Context is the new content. Teams who adapt their SEO pages to multiple audiences cover more ground and see results faster than traditional approaches.

Platform Features for SEO

Programmatic Editor

Edit web pages and content in bulk

Schedule & Launch

Plan and publish pages at the ideal pace

Verticalize & Localize

Adapt existing content or create net new content for each audience

Advanced AI Prompting

Generate HTML pages with embedded content at scale

Import / Export Data

Use trend data, customer data, and other data to create better SEO pages

Page Drafts

Publish and unpublish pages with a click

SEO Fundamentals

Automated sitemap and easy access to head, alt, and meta tags

Content Feeds

A simple way to create hubs of your pages

With, SEO experts can create GPT prompts in bulk, pipe that content to their pages, and publish to their existing site — all in one platform.